Range of Services

‘Countless studies have shown that the number of women in management positions in Germany is only rising slowly.’

Despite public discussions, the number of women in management positions in many branches of business is only growing slowly. Even in industries, such as the fashion industry, whose main target are women, women are underrepresented in leadership roles. I have encountered this over the course of my many years as a business leader, during my work with professional associations as well as with customers in the healthcare industry.

The reasons for this are manifold and vary from a lack of equal opportunity, to societal criticism of women who want to combine family life with a career, a lack of self-marketing skills and self-confidence, as well as the conscious decision to set other priorities.

As a coach I want to motivate you to take your career into your own hands as well as support companies to strengthen and develop their female talents.



You would like to explore new career paths?

You just took on a management position and would like to improve your leadership skills?

You want to reflect your leadership style?

Are you looking for support in the application process?

You want to better manage difficult situations with employees, colleagues or managers?

Sympathy, empathy and trust make up the foundation of any successful coaching session. I help you identify the areas where you would like to improve, developing your potential, setting goals as well as follow up with regular meetings to assess the progress you are making.

During an initial telephone conversation, we address any open questions, expectations you might have, formalities and whether we feel we can work together constructively.

The number of appointments varies depending on individual needs and goals. In addition to face to coaching, sessions over the phone are also possible.


Customized Services

You would like to develop the skills to sustainably support women in your company?

You would like to create a more diverse leadership team, targeting and developing the careers of women?

You want to start developing young talent early on and help them plan their careers?

You want to increase the retention rate of female employees in your company?

I offer individual coaching sessions and group workshops toย companiesย that want to develop their managers and high-potential employees. I help you offer your managers the necessary support and maximize and develop the hidden potential of female management in particular. My coaching is geared toward quickly increasing productivity, assessing leadership behavior, improving management competence and leadership coaching for up and coming managers.

Furthermore, I am happy to support you with making the necessary changes to your business culture to foster more diversity, setting the necessary goals, and breaking up existing structures as well as setting new guidelines.



You want your team to develop and grow?

You want to improve the cooperation between your team members?

You are looking for help in developing strategies for your company?

You want to improve your business performance?

You are a new manager of a team?

Team coaching can help!

Team spirit canโ€™t be guaranteed, even with the best people and the best intentions. Successful teams are able to find solutions collectively. Colleagues trust each other, take on responsibility and share information freely. Each person is assigned to tasks according to their strengths and weakness are counterbalanced by the other members of the team. There will always be times when your team faces a lot of pressure. Changes within the team, in the marketplace, within the company, disagreements about strategies, as well as misunderstandings can challenge a teamโ€™s cohesion. These challenges can hamper motivation, decrease employee satisfaction, waste time and in the worst case, cost you your companyโ€™s success. I would like to help you weather these changes with my personalized team-coaching concepts.

Team-Coaching is available both in person and online.

Tell me about your personal goals and intentions!


Karen Sonnenberger
Marktplatz 5 ยท 69469 Weinheim (Germany)
+49 176 70799809 ยท +49 6220 2561456